Stage of Control others in RelationshipDiary/Move Forward 2021. 1. 22. 19:27
내가 얻고자 하는 것을 다른 사람에게 얻으려 할 때 그 사람을 조종하려 하는 건지 생각해보라. 뺏는 것이 아닌 설득을 하려면 '당하는' 사람에게도 분명한 도움이 되는 제안을 해야 한다.
There are some methods in order to obtain things that you would like to get from.
Fear is the most powerful implement in order to manipulate indivisuals. Feeling fear causes panicking and clouding in terms of making decisions so that it makes you misjudge situaltion badly. That's why we sometimes see people being controlled and being stolen their possesion gladly. This is also one of reasons how people are obsessed with some cults wich makes no sense at all.
Speaking of control people, you have to consider that convincing somebody is occasionally meant to extort what you want from him. Purpose of building relationship is not to invade their mind and triumph but win-win. That's why persuading is neither tactics nor strategy. Like doing business, we need fair and agreed trade deals in relationship as well. If you have a power to lead a deal or are in high position in some ways, that doesn't mean you are able to have better condition.
What if you make person whom is willing to do you a favor? That would be way better off of reluctant agreement. Should you indeed wish to ask what you want but it's been rejected, just do find a way to have him touched and moved by giving attractive suggestions and taking time. What you need to do further is that you either show appreciation or admit it's a big ask to him. All happenings rely on you so there is no ones to blame to or disappoint you. Just do your best and give best appreciation with proper reaction when you succeed in to convince others.'Diary > Move Forward' 카테고리의 다른 글
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